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Revealing Your Pure Essence - The Shift

Updated: Feb 20, 2020

We are miners, miners of our truth, finding our what is really is may be scary, though it's what grows us and when found, polished, and loved creates the deepest transformation we can ever know!

"The depth of Awakening, only you can have your own pure experience. And it is possible. This is the shift available for you in revealing your Pure Essence. And it is possible for it to be lasting and ever expanding. There isn't a stopping point that we make it to, we are always creating our experience, and in any moment you can choose differently for creating what is your true Soul expression."

Greetings, Wow, what hasn't surfaced in this past week for people! I am seeing so many intensified symptoms, anxiety, panic attacks, physical pain and ailments, challenging emotions, loop thoughts as well as powerful creativity and transformations. A significant experience we can have during these times is to gather   information about ourselves. Instead of focusing on the challenging ailments and experiences we can  take some moments and breathe into our bodies, minds, emotions and find   out what is underneath the ailments, emotions and experiences. This information will lead us to the transformation needed. And if you don't receive any information remember to breathe through the experience and allow yourself to be gentle and present   with what is happening while shifting your focus towards what you want   to be creating and feeling. Doing so opens the door to the information to come through by shifting the focus off of what isn't working in your field. Allowing for this information takes suspension of judgment. Judgment of ourselves and others of what is happening in you and on this planet. What does judgment create? Stories rather than facts which creates any or all of these: anger, fear, doubt, confusion,  frustration, isolation, sadness, power struggles, forceful actions, and a loss of who we really are. There are long standing patterns definitely being highlighted right now in the current activating energies. What we can do is see what is underneath these long standing patterns: why are they there, why have you chosen to put your focus there for so long? and what is the alternative that you want to create  and breathe! This is the information we want to gather!! We are miners, miners of our truth, finding our what is really is may be scary, though it's what grows us and when found, polished, and loved creates the deepest transformation we can ever know! I have been steeped in judgment most of my life, of myself and others. I never felt safe, comfortable and strong in myself.  I created all kinds of stories about myself and others which led to struggles   and emotions that had no bearing in reality. Over the years I have practiced releasing judgment to find out what is really  going on for me, others and the situations I created outside of the judgment. What I am experiencing with the suspension of judgment and the consistent   focus of my soul path is a revealing of my pure essence that awakens the truth of who I am and who others are, a clarity and energy of perception that is profound, having the strength and courage to be me, as I know myself now, in a way I have never known, it's as if I am on my path and being carried while I am still doing the work to make the path move, a paradox that feels absolutely incredible, the magnetism of people and opportunities that reflects my experience, so we can support each other on the level that consistently catalyzes each other, creativity flowing with a willingness to do things I would have never considered in the past due to judgment of myself and others, while these feelings still emerge I love them and let them go with more ease, I am still going for it, I can't stop the energy from taking me, I started it with my intentions and focus, so I am going with it, and I am receiving constant upgrades and information moving me into the unknowable with ease and wonder, with all the information becoming so clear and knowable in a way that is beyond words,   only experienced. The depth of Awakening, only you can have your own pure experience. And it is possible. This is the shift available for you in revealing your Pure Essence. And it is possible for it to be lasting and ever expanding. There isn't a stopping point that we make it to, we are always creating our experience, and in any moment you can choose differently for creating what is your true Soul expression. Take it with ease, it is happening. So in these days, rather than getting hooked into whatever you are feeling, be in the feeling while suspending judgment of yourself and the experience of the feeling. Let what is under the emotion or physical experience to surface and ask for healing and transformation of what is not needed anymore allowing more of your soul to be embodied  where you are releasing the old emotions and experiences from. Many people ask do I need to experience, know and understand the old experience   for it to be fully healed or can I just have the release and transformation. We can have profound healing without delving into the depths of our past AND having the conscious awareness of all the levels, layers and depths of traumas, hurts, distortions, programs, beliefs etc. that have caused great imbalance in us truly serves our ability to embrace the knowledge and wisdom that they have  brought us, that we have brought ourselves.   The level of acknowledgment, acceptance, and awareness that we can bring to all of our circumstances creates the level of alignment, action and awakening we can have in our lives. Sound familiar for those of you who took part in the Be Present for Your Soul Led Life Challenge?! The truth is we are here to know ourselves, this is our Awakening. How are you going to truly know yourself if you bypass yourself? There is so much wisdom in what we have experienced, no matter how wonderful, painful or terrible we want to claim it to be, that is the healing  that wants to be had, to release the pain and terrible out of the  experience, to set it free, set all the power and energy wrapped up in it, so we can have it in its pure form to utilize now for our growth! I see how when we can really be aware of how we store emotions, ideas, thoughts, experiences in our bodies and we work with that to  set them free the cells of the body, the DNA, all the functions of the body can completely rearrange towards what and who we really are, one powerful healing at a time. No matter how big or small the experience, it's about setting it free to reclaim your energy, your life force. Then integrate and to direct the energy as you wish. Also, when we do this for ourselves we become more compassionate for others for we see that everyone is carrying some burden that they to are needing and/or wanting to change. This is the path of purity, one step at a time. The Purity of you to let your true essence shine. In this work You are revealed to You! That is what matters!! Take care of yourselves the best you know how!  We are in this together! And if you are feeling wonderful, creative, inspired, and full of pure energy, with our without the challenges being presented to many of us, Awesome!! May you continue on in your pure beauty! I support you, love you and may you come into the purity of your essence, to know yourself and be your true soul expression!! Peace, Kristen   Awakened Soul

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