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DNA, Crystalline

lightbody Activation

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Join me to Activate and Catalyze Your Awakening!

DNA and Crystalline Light Body Activations are a powerful way to connect deeply with your body and Soul on your Awakening journey.

As our DNA upgrades and the Crystalline Light Body comes alive it is necessary to be in coherence with them on a conscious level to optimize your soul level expression. Also to be able to navigate and understand the changes you are experiencing, which may present themselves in a variety of ascension symptoms, physical ailments, heightened awareness, activated abilities, and different needs and desires.

The intention with the Activations is to create a coherent field with your Soul, your consciousness, body and energy bodies for clear awareness on these levels for thorough activation in a way that is easeful, resonant and fully integrated.

I have found my own Activations to be incredible catalysts for more awareness and ability to choose what is beneficial and aligned for my Awakening and Soul path.

If you want to have conscious participation in purifying your DNA  to activate the strands that are ready to come alive for a deeper soul embodiment and If you are interested in purifying your body and understanding how the Crystalline Light Body functions within you this is the place for you!  

I offer one time Activation sessions and packages with a focus on the DNA Activation or the Crystalline Light Body Activation and a combination of both.  The sessions are one hour and recorded with a follow up e-mail to check in and give further guidance if needed. 

I have studied DNA Activation and the Crystalline Body of people and the universe.  It has been through my Awakening Activations and training with the Metatron and Melchizadek collectives, other Light Beings, and souls of people in sessions that have guided DNA and Crystalline Light Body Activations that I have full trust in your Soul and guides to bring through clear, effective and precise information and guidance for your own powerful Activations.

Is an activation & integration of your next level embodiment calling you?

During the Activations we connect deeply with you and your Soul to:

  • Activate DNA for proper cellular function to awaken and embody your soul template 

  • Transform old patterns and programs from past lifetimes and your current lifetime to optimize the activation and integration

  • Unlock your bodies abilities to become a crystalline light body

  • Uncover areas of imbalance in the health of the body and energy bodies that may hinder the integration of the activations and find solutions through practices and different lifestyle choices for balance  

  • Discover practices, tools, and information for you to use after our session to continue the integration of your Activation. 


To receive your DNA Crystalline Light Body Activation:  

Please click Yes! I'm in and fill out the short form!   I will contact you within 24 hours (allow for 48 hours if weekend or holiday) to schedule a call to get to know each other and schedule your session.  Thank you! Look forward to connecting!

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