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I am honored to share My Gifts with you to empower your awakening journey 


Thank you for being here!




Are you ready to be Clear and Transformed? Being supported with clear information and guided transformation from our  Soul is essential in these times. Allow yourself to gain clarity, purpose and direction! Join me for your Soul Led Clarity and Transformation! 


In these sessions we create a foundation in who You ARE as a Soul that you can move forward within all that you do.  Receive support during your Awakening to connect deeply with your Soul and do the depth transformation work to truly live in harmony mind body heart and soul! I am here to support you on your meaningful Soul journey. Join me for Your Profound Awakening Catalyst Sessions! 




Are you ready to Awaken into Your Soul?! These programs are designed for a deep dive into embodying your Soul template. Together, with your HigherSelf we create a clear connection with your Soul and do the powerful depth  transformation in all areas of your life to embody Your Soul Led Life design. Your Soul is calling, Join Me! 

Messages From

Loved Ones

Have you been wanting to connect with a Loved One who has passed on? Through my intuitive and soul connecting abilities I am able to connect with those that have transitioned out of their bodies.  It is humbling to witness the healing that happens when we know how our loved ones are doing, and the information that comes through to create resolve, understanding, communication and/or connection.  Join me to Connect with Your Loved One!


energy Balancing

Do you need relief and harmony?

Energy Balancing is a very efficient way to relieve pain, stress, anxiety, discomfort, confusion, and bring clarity and ease into your day!   
I offer you Distant Energy Balancing as a profound way to receive Soul guided transformation on all levels. 

Allow me with Your Soul to assist you in Your Balancing!

dna & crystalline Light body activations

In our Awakening we are experiencing DNA upgrades and coming into our Crystalline Light Body.

Together we connect with your Soul and traverse the dimensions of your being to clean out old programs and patterns to allow for the space and frequency for your DNA to activate and for powerful integration of your Crystalline Light Body. 

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Intuitive Guidance

Accessing direct information with your Higher Self I am able to assist you in having clarity, balance and creating the ability for you to increase and deepen your connection with your higher self.

I offer Soul Purpose, Medical Intuitive and Family & Relationships Soul Purpose Guidance


These sessions are designed to empower you with information and guidance for leading a life of meaning, vitality and aligned relationships.

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