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What Just Happened, What is Awakening Anyway?

Updated: Feb 20, 2020

This is the Awakening. The healing and merging with our Source Soul Self that we have been separated from. They physical merging with the non physical reality, one experience within the multitude of all that exists.

“The most important thing we can do right now is to support ourselves and others on their path that we resonate with and are aligned with open hearts and gratitude..”

Really what just   Happened ? A complete and total reset just happened!! Do you feel like you just got rocked a bit over this full moon Eclipse Saturn/Pluto conjunction weekend? I did! We are experiencing a deep integration and adaptation of this new level of frequencies while the old is moving out. We accomplished merging timelines to bring us into a balanced space for now.  The timelines of the past and ones projected into the future of  staying in the lower densities with power and control dynamics still at play are now in one stream of light, being held to have an opportunity to create a new  timeline. On Monday after the potent weekend beautiful I witnessed the Powerful energy   in the center of the Center of the Earth spiralling in complete balance from the south   pole to the north pole and out around this living being of Earth up into the Sun!  When it came to the Sun it was billowing out in such beauty and light that I have   never seen, swirling up into the Central Sun. So many gates once distorted and blocked have opened, healed, and released   old programs! The game has changed and we are now in a very stable condition of merging with higher   dimensions and creating a new timeline. A new timeline which has never been experienced before, ending the cycles  of many eras. This is our era now, what will we create? Keep your focus in your heart, with balance, love and consistent calling in of your Soul. We are still going to experience the waves of transition that will cause challenges and   the symptoms in our bodies, minds and spirits, this is a normal part of the shift, so keep   calm, practice self care and service to others. This is the Awakening. The healing and merging with our Source Soul Self that we have been separated from. They physical merging with the non physical reality, one experience within the multitude  of all that exists. In this merging we have access to everything, while having ability to focus and express within our unique template as an individuated Soul. It is our responsibility to hold our part, our role in this play that we have agreed to do as a Soul on this planet at this time. This is a beautiful opportunity to continue your journey with more trust and   dedication in yourSelf and the Universe.   You may find yourself having heightened abilities, more skills and thoughts,   intuitions arising in you. A profound connection that you can utilize to help yourself and others. This is a time to evaluate your life and what you really want to create, your motivations and intentions of what you want to create. Are you wanting to do it for yourself and the benefit of others? We are waking up to the interdependency of this creation. We all need each other and everything else that is here to be alive. You also may find yourself feeling like everything is happening really fast, when we are in these higher frequencies where more information and  experiences exist it feels this way, until you adapt to the capacity of being in this much at once. I prefer to use the term Awakening rather than Ascension since Awakening is right here and now.  There is no up or down or any other direction that we are going in, it only ever will be right here right now. Yes, in mathematics the rate at which we are vibrating may be higher but did you go anywhere? This is the power we have access to and will continue to gain more knowledge  and wisdom with, the power to move multidimensionally with our bodies. Many are and will do this more in this lifetime, while others for their purpose  and healing will do so in other lifetimes. Mostly we will perceive this through the minds eye and continued energy body travel. This is ok, we are all on our unique journey's and waking into who we truly are.   The most important thing we can do right now is to support ourselves and others on their path that we resonate with and are aligned with open hearts   and gratitude. None of us need to be martyrs, the age of sacrifice is ending. Everyone will receive the help they need from who is truly aligned to do so and with the experiences that they create.  This is the balance that we get to come into within ourselves.   And to honor this balance and be in a clear mindset of what we are creating,   why we are doing it, and being really clear on the outcome we would like. This is the intention and manifestation practice that is so powerful, being specific and heart centered! When we as a collective become so focused on creating from a Soul level we create a whole new world where we coexist living in truth and by proxy this helps others do the same. The Earth and all the other planets and beings were also separated and damaged over   many eras of this cycle.   Their consciousness' are merging and healing as well. There is so much I could write about the multidimensional field and the  beings, planets, etc. Though it is fascinating information and a part of my role here to work on these   different levels I would love to have you focus on who you are and be super curious   to get know yourself, skills and abilities as a Soul more than read a bunch of info that you may not need! And to take the time to take care of yourself for whatever you are going through right now.  For some this isn't easy.  Physical, emotional, and mental symptoms are challenging with the inner healing coming to the surface and big life decisions life to  make changes that are more aligned with Soul living are happening!! I will be writing more about symptoms, changes and how to navigate them through our Awakening very soon! Til then breathe deep, take care of yourself, reach out for support and to support others! And I have something exciting brewing to share with all of you!! I will be unveiling this soon! Peace, Kristen   Awakened Soul

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