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🌟Energy Update - Creators - PART 2 - The Ultimate Transformation🌟

The energy is off the hook right now!


Are you feeling this?!


I'm going to expand on what I shared in the previous update.


And answer questions to those that responded to it! Thank you :-) 

I love hearing your experiences!


I will share about 

  • Time

  • Astrology

  • Physical Symptoms

  • and more!


First a couple of announcements


  • Join us in The Unity Consciousness Event - Source Embodiment. The Opening Ceremony will be on Sunday! We air with our first Live Guest, Sue Dumais, on Monday the 22nd!!    Join us here! for wisdom, love, guidance, support and community!

  •  I appreciate your interest in my upcoming offerings of Soul Readings, Family Readings and Healings, Online Cacao Ceremonies and 1:1 online Cacao Ceremony Sessions! I will share more about these in February :-)

Here's the expanded update!


Thursday morning I woke after a long slumber feeling really energetic.


Not the "I actually slept" energy, the high frequency energy of Source, pulsing through my body.


In meditation I saw many of our beloved galactic friends radiating light into and around Earth!


They are still present holding and flowing the new frequency of our cosmic creation as we move into The Age of Aquarius! (see astrology below)


I had totally forgotten until I was reminded by a dear friend, horoscopes and many posts!


Of course we are all feeling the essence of this shift!


The power of our collective Union with the Planets and all cosmic forces is bringing us into the presence of what is necessary for us to experience in this moment as we shift.


Our systems are all reacting differently to how the energy is calibrating through us, Earth and beyond.


Many are experiencing these physical symptoms -

  • challenges in sleeping, 

  • or sleeping more, 

  • catching colds easier, 

  • feeling floaty, forgetful,  not able to keep focus 

  • and being expanded, light and connected,

  •  clear and shedding on all levels

  • feeling the truth of their being in this immaculate shift


We came here for this.  

Do the best you can to ACCEPT what is present as we orient to a new experience.


I only slept a few hours last night, up in the early morn connecting to Earth, clarity in my life, our galactic friends and the light as the we turned toward the Sun!


Time has been a conversation over the past couple of years as we perceive it differently.


I've been connecting into the Sun Disk, time keepers, in Pinnacle, an area near here, for the past couple of years as it changed direction as our connection and perception of time has changed.


Right now all the Sun Disks are shedding the clock as we know it.  


Tuning to Infinite Source Potential.


Allowing our consciousness and all matter to regenerate with the new frequency releasing our old limits, numbers, of time.


We have spoken about moving to the true 13 month calendar and the true 13 constellations of the Zodiac that represent our actual numerical cycles.


This may happen or it may not as what we have never perceived before will reveal itself.


We followed a cycle of the rotation and orientation of our solar system, galaxy, universe as we know it.


Let's be open to what we don't know.


The blank slate of knowing nothing to open ourselves to the possibilities of our Infinite Limitless nature to connect with our senses to what is true for us now with our inner guidance and what Earth, our galactic friends, astrophysics, etc. will open us to!


As we move into this new Age of being we are being welcomed with the most benevolent high frequency energy light to crystallize the new path of being.


In the early morning as I was tuning in, the Andromedans showed me the crystalline pathways that are now opening and strengthening through Earth from original and new power spots.


If you wish to, stand on the land, connect in nature and invite the integration of the new energetics to stabilize within your body, consciousness and Soul!


Welcome to the New Creation of Life, YOU!

In Unity and Harmony with all!




"We're leaving behind an era. The Sun joins with transformational Pluto before both planets step into humanitarian Aquarius today, with Pluto entering at 7:50 pm EST. Pluto will briefly return to Capricorn for about a month later this year, before it leaves for generations -- it won't return there until February 28, 2254. This first peek of Pluto in Aquarius invites great energy for releasing ill-fitting structures in our lives and opening up to radical new growth. We should intentionally create our new beginnings."


As I mentioned in the previous update -


"This is the space to be very reflective and radically honest with ourselves, 

our loved ones and everything.


There's no holding back to what our true feelings, thoughts, 

emotions and experiences are.


We can't take them into this new energetic."



This is a fitting quote for this new era from Abraham Hicks - 


"You didn't come forth to learn lessons - 

you came forth to use the Energy to create.

It's a big difference in orientation."



Let's bring our inner compass, our centered aligned connection to ourselves, our bodies, our hearts minds and Souls into the light of creation, knowing and being the creators that we truly are!


So much love to you!!



We will be supporting the opening of this new era in our conversations! Join us in The Unity Consciousness Event - Source Embodiment

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