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Medical Intuitive Guidance 

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We are energy, soul beings first.  Any imbalances in our physical body is something that is and may have been happening in our emotional, mental and spiritual fields for a long time.

The purpose of the Medical Intuitive Reading is to give you a full spectrum analysis of what is taking place in multiple fields of your body so we can understand why your energy is flowing as it is and see how it is creating imbalances in the physical body.

When we see what is occurring then we can ascertain the solutions.  Solutions may come in a variety of suggestions from energy practices, to mindset and emotional pattern shifts, diet and lifestyle changes, and more.  I will provide thorough guidance with each of the solutions for profound transformation.

Join me to Create Harmony on all levels of your Being!

In my early twenties I started to spontaneously see imbalances in peoples bodies with the cause and solutions.  It was a little overwhelming, and I wanted to understand more of what I was experiencing first.  So I studied and was certified as a Medical Intuitive.  

Since it came naturally for me I found great pleasure in assisting people on their healing journey.

If you are having imbalances in your body and would like to know the cause, and you are willing to follow the soul led suggestions and guidance for the solutions to create balance this reading is for you!

The sessions are one hour and recorded with follow up e-mails to check in and give more guidance and information as needed. This reading usually takes more than one session depending on your needs to be thorough and complete.  If this is the case we will create a package agreement.

These sessions are for your clarity and to give you suggestions for your balancing.  I am not here to cure you or advise you as health practitioner.  We work together on a soul and multidimensional level to shift your health energetically first with practical tools to create the physical shifts.


Is your body, mind and soul asking for Harmony?

Receive your Medical Intuitive Reading to:


  • Gain information of the balance and imbalance of your physical, emotional, mental, spiritual bodies 

  • Discover the causes of your health issues and imbalances 

  • Uncover the solutions with practical guidance to create your desired outcome

  • Know the current state of your Chakras 1-9 and how to balance them

  • Find out why you may have these imbalances including past and current life experiences and support to shift them

  • Additional Self Healing and Balancing Practices 

  • Transformation patterns and programs that are causing disharmony

  • Begin new lifestyle and food choices for your vitality and longevity with practical guidance to achieve them

  • Connect with Soul for Self Balancing practices to maintain health on all levels   

  • Have support through your balancing journey!

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